jv16 PowerTools 2012 Beta 3 Incl Serial Key
Software utilities ini akan membantu kita
mengoptimalkan kinerja komputer dengan cara membersihkan registry
Windows dari data yang sudah usang dan tidak dibutuhkan, memperbaiki
berbagai jenis kesalahan registri, mendeteksi dan menghapus history data
yang tidak dibutuhkan, mencari dan menghapus file yang tidak
dibutuhkan, termasuk temp files dan duplicate files, dan masih banyak
lagi fitur-fitur dari software ini.
- Instantly make your Windows run faster and smoother, by disabling certain features which have no useful function and by modifying a few key aspects of the system’s behavior.
- Automatically clean your Windows registry from obsolete and unneeded data.
- Automatically fix many kinds of registry errors, such as broken file references.
- Easily uninstall leftover traces of software you have thought you have already uninstalled ages ago.
- Detect and remove unneeded history data and MRU (most recently used) lists that can contain sensitive information about you.
- Locate and delete unneeded files, including temp files and duplicate files.
- And much, much more!
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